What is Counter-marketing? 

Counter-marketing is a demarketing tactic that is used to destroy the demand for a product or service. Marketers working on a counter-marketing campaign use commercial marketing tactics to increase pro-health messages and decrease the demand for harmful products such as tobacco.

There are many counter-marketing campaigns present in the media right now such as “anti-fat foods”, “stop under-age drinking” and “stop distracted driving”.  However, the biggest and most well-known example of counter-marketing is the anti-tobacco campaign. This campaign is shown everywhere and now mainly targets young adults. You can see these ads everywhere from bus stops, malls, and is now heavily advertised on MTV to reach these targeted young adults.


AlphaDawn has had great success crafting counter-marketing stories that decrease positive demand for a product or service, especially those that compete for dollars that you are trying to steer your towards your bottom line.  Have puppies up for adoption?  We’ll help you show the world why cats are jerks!  Entry barriers are everywhere, we’ll help you potential customers be aware of them for competing solutions!  Let us tell a story of how your products and services make your clients happy!  Contact us today at truthtoldwell@alphadawn.com



About AlphaDawn

AlphaDawn is a creative agency that helps its clients build strong brands, win fans, and cultivate world-class client experiences.  With over 25 years of experience and as an industry leader in guerrilla, mystery shopping, social media community management and organizational services, AlphaDawn helps clients drive customer conversations that builds relationships and public affinity.  To learn more, please visit http://www.alphadawn.com

Contact: Caitlin Simon, Alpha Dawn, caitlin@alphadawn.com